Captain Mike Scanlan and Captain Stan had a great weekend fishing for Black Sea Bass. The Sea Bass fishing is becoming highly regulated with a limited season, with a closure of all fishing from August to Oct 22 this year, and a new size limit of 13″. With this new limited window, we are fortunate to find good fishing along the Cape May Reef. A number of keeper fish were caught and hundreds thrown back. Steady action on the drift was possible which means fish were spread out over a good sized area. Some folks caught their limit on Sunday.
The Black Sea Bass fishing shall continue until either the Tautog season opens on November 15 or some Striped Bass show. Reports of Striped Bass in the area are starting to trickle in and we are armed and ready to attack. Our Bonus tags are in for both the Lady Chris and the Miss Chris, so whether you Privately Charter or make an online Reservation for Striper Fishing, you have your best change for success fishing aboard the Miss Chris Fleet.

Hope to see you aboard soon.
Captain Jeff Stewart